Monday 23 July 2012

F*ck Yeah Organising

Have created a new folder in my gmail documents area (said area only contains two documents and one of those is a film noir my ex-boyfriend wrote, but I think I am getting up to speed on this internet thing) specifically for WEDDING SHIT. That is what it is called. With emphasis on the caps-lock. Within the folder, a file! For addresses! So I can send invitations to people to come to this wedding that I hate planning almost more than I hate changing the cat litter tray!

I wrote down all the people that we wrote down ages ago in the notebook of usefulness into a spreadsheet so I could try to figure out where they all lived. I have no idea where most of them live. I don't even know some of their last names. There is a guest invited that I know only as Panda. I don't think it's his real name, but I'm really not all that sure it isn't. But I wrote him down in pen before, so he's clearly important.

But stay, that is not the only thing I have organised! I also cut out all the pieces for my mock-up dress. Except the skirt. I ran out of material because I forgot it would have four pieces. So then I read the instructions and tried out the new sewing machine on a random scrap of fabric. It is becoming increasingly apparent that to skip from a half-finished hand puppet in the shape of an owl to a dress is not so much a steep learning curve as it is a a dry-stone wall someone is building on top of your head.

I hear elopement is no longer considered taboo.